About ME
Since October 2018, I am working as an assistant professor in the Analytics and Optimization department at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. In that role, I am responsible for teaching optimization and simulation courses and conducting scientific research. Furthermore, I am as an associate member of CWI still closely involved in a public-private partnership between CWI and the company ENGIE on production schedule optimization in an Industry 4.0 era.
From September 2016 till September 2019, I started working as a postdoctoral researcher at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) on the (ongoing) research project on production schedule optimization in the biomaterial industry in close cooperation with the company ENGIE.
In 2011 and 2012, respectively, I obtained my BSc and MSc (Cum Laude) degrees in the field of Econometrics and Operations Research at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2012 I joined the Amsterdam Business Research Institute (ABRI) Junior Research Programme, which allowed me to enter the three-year ABRI PhD program in 2013 under the supervision of prof. Bernd Heidergott. This lead to my PhD degree in December 2016 based on the thesis entitled 'Markov Chain Theory and Simulation Optimization'. Furthermore, during my PhD I was responsible for teaching different courses.
In 1990 I was born in Alkmaar (the Netherlands) where I still happily live together with my wife Anouk and our two cats Minoes and Jip. In my spare time, I really enjoy spending time with family, running, riding my racing bike, playing the piano, and practising mindfulness.